Request A Consult : 925​.586.3172
High School Guidance
Following personal assessments, I provide guidance on high school course selection, as well as summer and in-school activities you might want to pursue.
I also provide SAT and ACT test prep information and resources.
Creating A College List
Developing a college list alongside students is central to my work. It combines my college expertise with your unique needs, preferences, and personality to develop a list of colleges that will be an ideal fit for you.
AFFORDABILITY: I give guidance about ways to potentially reduce costs significantly for many colleges, regardless of whether a family meets the threshold to demonstrate need. Learning how to assess costs for many colleges may also open doors to colleges you considered out of reach financially.
Student Athletes
In addition to factors that are common to all college-bound students, there are unique issues that are particular to student-athletes. Having been a competitive college athlete and coach myself, I have direct experience in the realm of the college athlete and recruitment process.
Essays & Applications
The essays that are part of college applications have often been the source of much anxiety for many students! Part of my background as a writer will enable me to help you master the art of the college essay.
I will also help you through the logistics of each of your applications, so that you put your best foot forward to each college you are applying to.
Transfer Students
There is a significant percentage of college-bound students that are transfer students, for many reasons. The needs specific to transfer students vary in key ways from those of students just graduating high school. Having guided my daughters through the transfer process, I have a clear understanding and keen interest in working with transfer students in all types of situations.
College Major & Career Exploration
You may not be sure of what you want to major in, or pursue as a career. You are in good company! Many students are daunted by these choices.
Through academic and career-related assessments I can help give you a much better idea of majors that you may be particularly interested in, as well as possible career paths for you.
Being well organized is a key factor during your college search. I will help keep you on track and focused on the steps you need to work through, both before and during the application process.
Campus Visit
College visits are typically a fun experience for students and families. By learning a bit more about what to look for during these trips, you can walk away more educated and aware of colleges after visiting than you may have otherwise. I can also provide resources for you to learn about colleges virtually, which is often an excellent supplement.